Peer-reviewed Publications

Raja, N. B*., Dunne, E. M.*, Matiwane, A., Khan, T. M., Nätscher, P. S., Ghilardi, A. M., & Chattopadhyay, D. (2021). Colonial history and global economics distort our understanding of deep-time biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-10.

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Cisneros, J. C., Ghilardi, A. M., Raja, N. B., & Stewens, P. P. (2021). The moral and legal imperative to return illegally exported fossils.. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-2.

Cisneros, J. C. et al. (2022). Digging deeper into colonial palaeontological practices in modern day Mexico and Brazil. Royal Society Open Science, .

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Raja, N. B., & Dunne, E. (2021). Publication pressure threatens the integrity of palaeontological research. EarthArxiv.

Raja, N. B*., Dunne, E. M.*, Matiwane, A., Khan, T. M., Nätscher, P. S., Ghilardi, A. M., & Chattopadhyay, D. (2021). Colonial history and global economics distort our understanding of deep-time biodiversity. EarthArxiv. Published in Nature Ecology & Evolution

Raja, N. B., & Dunne, E. (2021). Minority Language Speakers in Palaeontology. OSF Preprints. Published in Palaeontological Association Newsletter, No. 104.

*contributed equally to manuscript